Relaxing Sleep Music – Does music help you sleep? We all have childhood memories of being soothed into slumber by melodic sounds, but does it work for adults? With so many people struggling to fall asleep each night, it may be worth exploring whether there is a correlation between music and more restful sleep. It appears that listening to music before bedtime may help some people fall asleep faster.

Relaxing Sleep Music And The Brain
How does music affect the brain? Studies show that music activates every known part of the brain. The effect is universal.
In fact, brain scans show that musicians’ brains are bigger, more sensitive and better connected than non-musicians. They have better working memory, auditory skills and cognition.
Moreover, the brains of musicians are more symmetrical. The band of nerve fibers that transfer information between the two hemispheres of the brain is also larger, indicating each side of a musician’s brain is better at communicating with the other.
While many of us do not play music professionally, we still listen to a lot of music. Studies show that Americans spent just over 32 hours a week listening to music in 2017. Listening time has gone up 5.5 hours in the last year. No wonder tunes has such a pronounced effect on all of us.
Relaxing Sleep Music And Restorative Sleep
Does music affect our sleep as well? The answer is yes, though it may depend on the individual.
Music has a direct impact on the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for allowing your body to relax and prepare for rest.

Insomnia Is A Global Problem
A new study found that one in four Americans experiences a period of severe insomnia yearly. Twenty-two percent of those remained poor sleepers and 3% developed chronic insomnia.
In the test, chronic insomnia was defined as difficulty sleeping occurring at least three nights per week for more than three months.
Acute insomnia was defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep for three nights or more a week between two weeks to four months. Many factors can bring about acute insomnia, such as fear, travel, pain and/or stress.
Instead of turning to over-the-counter sleep aids, bringing music into your life may help you find the peaceful sleep you need.
Top 3 Benefits Of Music For A Better Quality Sleep

Relaxing Sleep Music Benefit #1 – Relaxation
Classical music has been found to be particularly good for sleep. It has a positive effect on our physiological functions by lowering our heart rates, pulses, blood pressures and cortisol levels (the stress hormone).
Music is a wonderful distraction and a great way to release tension before bed. If you’re unfamiliar with classical music, give Beethoven a try.
For those who are not soothed by the standard sounds of music, nature sounds (i.e. ocean waves and birdsongs), can offer a less-intrusive alternative.

Relaxing Sleep Music Benefit #2 – Hormonal Support
In 2011, at the University of Leipzig, a study was done on patients undergoing spinal surgery. Those who listened to nature sounds required less anesthetic.
Music naturally slows cortisol production thereby relaxing our mind and body. Dopamine, the “feel-good” hormone, is released every time you listen to music you like. Sometimes, oxytocin is released as well.
When stress and anxiety prevent sleep, music is an excellent tool to pivot the mind to a more calm and serene state.

Relaxing Sleep Music Benefit #3 – Fall Asleep Faster
Early findings suggest listening to music before bedtime makes for a better night’s rest. But the effect of music on sleep varies according to the individual and whether or not that person’s brain is accustomed to absorbing musical sounds while falling asleep.
Music can also help mask unusual noises. For those living in more rural communities, they may find sleep elusive while vacationing in the city and vise versa. Music can be a solution.
If you want to give relaxing music a try to help you get a sound sleep, choose an app that specializes in peaceful music. Calm music and meditation can lead to a restful sleep.
In the end, we sleep best when we’re engulfed in serenity. Give the music a try. It just may help you get there!